Workshop A: How Much do Consumers Care About their Skin Microbiomes? Increasing Awareness & Educating Consumers on Cutting-Edge Skin Microbiome Research

Time: 9:00 am
day: Pre-Conference Workshop Day


This workshop will focus on increasing awareness & educating consumers on cutting-edge skin microbiome research. This session will help you benchmark the baseline knowledge of the consumer population, so you can tailor your education strategy. We will discuss how to best communicate the benefit of your products and the common pitfalls of new microbiome product developers. This session will give you the opportunity to collaborate with other leaders in the skin microbiome community to assess the challenges in communicating the benefits of a balanced microbiome, and the potential harms of skin dysbiosis. Watch a short talk then discuss potential strategies associated with educating the consumer about their skin microbiome:

  • How to make your science known: communicating evidence-backed information regarding commensal microbes to reframe the narrative surrounding skin microbes to emphasize their role in skin health.
  • How to transparently communicate specific skin-health needs: Investigating the consumers understanding of microbiome testing results, skin types, & microbiome diversity.
  • How to make bacteria popular: Interpreting consumer trust in the microbiome industry & taking lessons from the gut microbiome sector to combat the stigma against skin bacteria in a germophobic society.
